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How to stay hydrated

We always hear that drinking lots of water is good, but we often don’t drink enough during the day. Many people actually don’t know how much water to drink, when to drink and how it all changes based on our lifestyles.

Water is so important for humans as about 75% of our body. Every cell, tissue and organ needs water to work properly:

  • Get rid of waste products through urination, perspiration and bowel movements
  • Carrying essential glucose, oxygen and nutrients to cells by blood system
  • Keeps your temperature regulated
  • Lubricates our joints and eyes
  • Helps our digestive system function
  • Keeps Skin healthy


It is essential to know how much water to drink, it is not a universal value as it depends on various factors, including age, gender, state of health, lifestyle. The average person needs around 2-2.5 litres per day. Food also provides a significant portion of our water intake for example a diet rich in fruits and vegetables increases water intake

Drinking water should be a the most important aspect of our day but we often forget it to prioritize other things. So let’s create new habits! Drink it distributed throughout the day from waking up in the morning to before going to sleep, eat foods rich in water, always drink before, during and after you exercise.

Physical activity is the number one factor that causes us to become dehydrated: During exercise we sweat to regulate our temperature and keep our body function therefore, we lose not only water but also mineral salts, making it easy to show the first signs of dehydration. It may seem obvious, but having a bottle of water always at hand can make all the difference and keep you performing at the best of your ability. In our surge studios we try to help you with our water bottles and reminding you to drink after our intense Ems workout!


Written by: Viola